The Arkansas Pygmalion Commission on Nontraditional Education is established for purposes of, including but not limited to, the following:
(extracted from ACT 1288 of 1993)
• Identifying and developing additional funding bases, including such nontraditional sources to use in implementing intervention services for students as private funds and grants, federal education funds and grants, and sale of merchandise and services generated by alternative education programs, that can be deployed in meeting the educational needs of all Arkansas children;
• Conducting studies to determine the cost of various service models and the relative cost-effectiveness of each;
Identifying, in conjunction with school administrators responsible for alternative learning environments, factors to consider in determining the placement of students in alternative learning environments, including, but not limited to, the following:
• Forming guidelines whereby the public schools and other agencies work collectively to implement a program for Arkansas children in kindergarten through grade twelve (K-12) in both general education and vocational education;
• Collecting and compiling research, information, and data regarding alternative and nontraditional methods for meeting the educational needs of all Arkansas children and disseminating the research, information, and data to the public schools;
• Recommending the implementation of both in-service and university level courses designed to enhance the ability of a teacher or an administrator to develop interventions that will meet the needs of students identified for placement in an alternative or nontraditional learning environment.